The most complete Scott Adkins site in the world
Scott Adkins World 2017 - 2024
Scott has an official fan club over at Patreon. You can find
exclusive content and your support enables Scott to continue
creating captivating content and sharing his passion with fans.
Random selection of
some of Scott’s best movies:
Scott is sharing his best training tips in
various tutorial videos.
Also meet his most popular character
and see how Scott prepared himself
for the Undisputed Movies
Scott Adkins talks with some of the world's most renowned
names in the action and martial arts film industry to
discover what it takes to make good action movies and how
to film fights.
During the COVID-19 pademic Scott decided to do a side-
project that at first, just was a way for him to kill time and
chatting with fellows martial artist/actors about their time
on set. It quickly became one of the most insignful show for
any action lovers out there.
More Adkins:
Scott’s movies are intense,
bringing you the
most brutal and
very violent scenes.
Here we count his kills.